My Work


A Trivia Quiz App that fetches a random category from the Open Trivia DB and checks the user's answers in order to calculate the right answers.

  • React.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Custom Hooks
  • API

Product List with Cart

An app that renders a list of desserts from which the user can select and add as many as they like to the cart. The user can complete his order once he is satisfied with his products and start a new one from scratch.

  • React.js
  • Tailwind CSS


Devfinder is an app that makes requests using the Github API to fetch user data and display it on the user interface. It dynamically applies placeholder text and classes to fields that aren't available. Also has a 404 profile whenever a user is not found.

  • JavaScript
  • API
  • OOP

RGBeat PCs

A mobile shop app that sells only lighted PC components for anyone who loves to customize the glow of their rig/PC.
The app is called RGBeat PCs and displays a list of available components that user can add or remove to their order.
To complete the order, the user has to introduce their credit card info and give a rating for the process.

  • JavaScript
  • TailwindCSS

Build Your PC

"This innovative tool simplifies the process of customizing and assembling your dream PC, ensuring a seamless selection and purchasing experience. A must-try for both tech enthusiasts and novices alike." - Scrimba

  • JavaScript
  • Firebase
  • PWA
Build Your PC App

About Me

React.js enthusiast who speaks in JavaScript, with proficiency in Frontend Development, able to make any website work. I build websites that are accessible, fast, and scalable while focusing on an intuitive user experience.
